Understanding Common Eye Problems And What To Do About Them

Optometrists are familiar with as many as one hundred or so conditions that occur. Because many of them are quite rare, most people should be aware of those that are the most likely. From simple discomforts to some that require surgery, here are four general categories to understand.

Conditions refer to anything from illness to function. Being aware of these and their solutions may help to fend off future, bigger issues. Allergies and red eyes are usually at the top of the list of things that cause annoying itching and discomfort. These are examples of two conditions. Using over the counter drops to add moisture and stop itching is the usual first line of defense. But, when the whites of your eyes turn red and do not clear up, then an infection could be lurking there. These are some of the more Common Eye Problems frequently discovered.

Some people experience dots or streaks of pinkish color when their eyes are tired. These can also be a sign of the contagious infection called conjunctivitis. This is one example of an illness. Have a doctor check for this when the symptoms do not go away, because you could need antibiotics.

Cataracts, or in other words, cloudy eyeball lenses, occur in almost all people. Thought of as only for the elderly, the truth is that exposure to the damaging rays of sunshine, over time, can cause these to develop in most anyone. The easy solution to keeping them away longer is to wear sunglasses. Optometrists now believe that using darkened glasses will help to protect the delicate eye structures. Having a cataract is also a condition, not a disease.

A disease that is known to diabetics includes diabetic retinopathy. People who suffer from this may find that their retinas show signs of degrading over time. Glaucoma is an illness that causes the vision field to become smaller and can also damage the optic nerve. Generally speaking, this illness is the result of various imbalances in the fluids inside the eyes. Some eyes will become infected with the herpes virus. This can cause cornea scars and it can recur. Taking some form of antiviral pills or using similar drops in the eyes can help to lessen the swelling and inflammation that often accompanies the infection.

The categories of condition and illness are followed by eye surgeries and vision troubles. Because cataracts are so omnipresent throughout the United States, having corrective surgeries for them is actually one of the procedures most often completed. With advances in laser technology, many discover that the work can be done in a single day without the need for a hospital stay. The next surgery is one that is not so often done, but is increasingly producing favorable results. This is surgical attempts to control the progress of glaucoma.

Vision troubles may be the most prevalent of all categories having to do with eye care. Astigmatism is the term used to describe irregular shaped corneas. Presbyopia is the word that describes having trouble with seeing things close to the eyes when the person is over forty years of age. Myopia means that it is difficult to see things that are far away. Hyperopia means that someone has trouble with seeing close up, and might see things as blurry everywhere. Tunnel vision means that the area seen is lessening into a small circle. Wearing prescription glasses may compensate for these various problems.

The most important thing to remember in terms of the four categories of common issues related to the eyes is that a visit to the doctor is a good idea anytime that there is a significant change in the way eyes feel or see. A trained optometrist or eye doctor may prescribe over the counter remedies after a thorough examination. But, if there is a serious problem developing, it is much better to know and proceed with information rather than guessing alone.

